Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are some other Frequently Asked Questions that people have when they live in Ochoco West or are thinking of moving to our neighborhood. This page will update as more questions are asked so check back for time to time.

I have a question for the POA Board of Directors?

The POA Board of Directors meets regularly on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6pm. This meeting is open to the public and anyone can attend and ask the board questions. If you need to get in contact with the POA Board of Directors at any other time you can click on the contact button on the site and send us an email. OR, email us directly at

I have a question for the Ochoco West Water & Sanitation Authority?

The OWWSA Board of Directors meets regularly on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6pm. This meeting is open to the public and anyone can attend and ask the board questions. If you need to get in contact with the OWWSA any other time you will need to call Ray at (541) 447-1934.

When does the pool open?

The pool is open from early June to September depending on the weather from 8am – 8pm. Please keep in mind that the pool is managed by a neighborhood volunteer, much like most of the amenities in Ochoco West. 

When does the lake open for fishing?

The lake is open year around for fishing except when it is being stocked. 

Do I need a license to fish in our lake?

No. The lake is private so you don’t require a fishing license if you’re a property owner

Can I bring my friends and family out to Ochoco West and use the amenities?

Yes. As property owner you are allowed to bring friends and family out to Ochoco West and enjoy the amenities that we have to offer. As long as the property owner is present with their guests. If a guest is found using the amenities without a property owner present they will be asked to leave and the property owner could lose access to the amenities.

How do I get access to the amenities (Pool, Lake, etc)?

All property owners that are in good standing will have access to all of the amenities Ochoco West has to offer. You will need to get the gate keys form a POA Board member. You can contact the POA at