POA Meeting Minutes and Announcements

Ochoco West POA
Regular Meeting Minutes

– Andrew Hatfield, President (2023-2025) Present
– Chase Coonse, Vice President (2023-2025) Present
– Ross Scrocca, Secretary (2023-2025) Present
– Craig Riehl, Roads/Signs Board Member (2022-2024) Present
– Mike Hedrick, Treasurer (2023-2025) Present
*Note- Andrew submitted an updated Agenda that had yet to be reviewed. “New” items will be
highlighted in these minutes. Both agendas will be in Official folder.
– March minutes were reviewed, and Craig made a motion made to accept minutes as presented. Ross
seconded the motion. No further discussion, motion passes unanimously.
-Treasurer: Current balance: $138,947.55**
Aging Report: Total unpaid dues for 2023- $20,963.89**
Total outstanding dues owed- $47,002.09**
Liens: 13 active liens. 3 more to be filed with Jered Reid law firm. **
Deposits: $54,297.80**
Total Bills: $17,314.52**
**Note- Previous month information. The OWPOA is working with a CPA in Prineville to provide these
services. Up to date information will be available once that agreement is in place. Will negotiate after
the week of “Tax Day”.
-New signers need to be added to POA bank account. Treasurer given information needed to do so.
-2023 budget needs to be revised to allocate funds that were approved for electronic key system and
move $2,051 allocated to “Horse Fence” repair back to POA. Craig recommended holding an Executive
meeting to discuss new budget plan when CPA is in place and provides needed information. Then a new
budget can be voted on in the following Regular meeting. The Board agreed.
-*” Proposal of Payment Plan for Unpaid Dues to maintain access to Ochoco West Amenities.” Andrew
proposed that property owners with outstanding dues be allowed access to amenities. He stated that

this may be an incentive for property owners with unpaid dues to make payments. Ross stated that
some property owners already make payments. Andrew stated that he and other property owners that
have unpaid dues would benefit from being allowed access to amenities, by making payments. Property
owners present at this meeting expressed concern that this could impact a working budget for the
community, as well as it not being equitable to property owners that are current on their dues. In
response, Andrew stated that property owners that have been paying their dues, will continue to do so.
The Board agreed to discuss further at the above referenced Executive Meeting and would vote at the
following Regular meeting.
– Home Builder Plans: There were no new plans submitted. However, Andrew added *Trash and Debris
on New Construction”. Andrew stated that a home being built on Jordan Ave needs to have
construction debris cleaned up. Ross stated that it is property owner responsibility as stated in their
building plan submission as well as in the CC&R’s that construction cleanup will occur. Property owners
should be working with their contractors as such. Andrew stated that he would contact the construction
company directly to address the issue.
– Fire (Ross): Ross provided update with information received from ODF. Crook County did not receive
any funds from the Wildfire Risk Reduction Act grant dollars, nor was a new grant cycle previously used
for fuels reduction offered. ODF suggested looking into the NRCS, but stated it was a lengthy tedious
– Roads/Drainage Project: (Craig) Craig has continued to address potholes in the short term with packed
rock, until consistent warm weather allows for longer term repairs.
– Pool: (Andrew/Chase) Andrew and Chase stated that they will study and take exam to be certified to
manage the pool. They stated that there may be another community member willing to do so as well.
Ross stated that they should check with Sunrise Pool and Spa to confirm being on their work order for
draining/cleaning/repairs. Ross also stated that they might contact other pool companies, as Sunrise
pool and Spa seemed to have reduced capacity and had not been as responsive as needed. It was noted
again that this is the 50 th anniversary of the pool being added to the community’s amenities.
– Shooting Range: (Mitch Logan) Absent, has not reported anything. Chase asked to be included as a
“Co-chair” with Mitch for this committee. Ross stated that there is a budget to make
repairs/improvements to shooting ranges and would show Chase where some materials are stored.
Chase said the archery targets had been left out over the winter and may need replacement, as well as
trash can is overflowing. Ross stated that trash can may be removed as people should pack out their
own trash, but committee chairs can manage that. Discussion was had regarding storage options for
materials. Chase mentioned replacing 300 yd gong. Community member present stated that Mitch was
already working on that. Chase stated that he will contact Mitch to coordinate their efforts. Andrew
asked if shooting “clay” targets was an appropriate use at the shooting range. All agreed that it had
been occurring and seemed like an acceptable activity.
– Lake: (Mike Hedrick) Mike stated that there was no new information. He is waiting for improved
weather to complete the current project. Then he will look at the last planned project with money that
had been allocated.

– Little Lending Library: (Sasha Purdy) Not present, no new information provided.
– Trails: Still looking for a volunteer.
– Annual Picnic: Andrew and Chase leading efforts. Discussion around possibly tying it to the pool
opening, if that schedule allows. Community member present stated that it has been held at
community center, as that allows for potluck items/kitchen use, etc. They also stated that being indoors
allows for it to occur regardless of weather. Further discussion to be had.
-Property Owner Feedback/Questions:
 *” Road Maintenance on Jordan/Drainage”- Andrew proposed using recycled/ground asphalt to
make necessary repairs to pavement, as opposed to “cold patch”. Ross stated that road
maintenance and repair was given the largest budget and mentioned that working with Craig,
the asphalt repair should be looked at when reviewing the other roads and continuing with
necessary drainage work.
 *” Burn Pit Attendance”- Andrew stated that a community member had concern about an
unattended smoldering fire on a neighbor’s property. Ross stated that burn piles and barrels
are allowed as per the CC&R’s but must follow County Ordinances and do state that the fires
must be attended.
 *” Communication”- Andrew had questions about how the Board was allowed to communicate.
Ross stated that all Board communication is available to the public/community and official POA
email and Messenger accounts were set up for Board members’ communication outside of
meetings to be used instead of personal accounts. Andrew asked about the community’s
Facebook Group. Ross stated that Board members are not restricted from using that group as
community members, but it is not affiliated with the POA. Andrew stated that he would provide
info on that group. Ross stated that property owners may contact the Board with
questions/comments via email, Messenger, phone call, letter, in person or, and at Regular
meetings. No decisions can be made by any one Board member without Board member
discussion and vote.
 Property Owner present asked about grading the roads while conditions are suitable. Craig
stated that the equipment operator we have been using has been difficult to reach. Andrew
asked about running the grader. Craig/Andrew will follow up to address grading the roads
before moisture content is not suitable.
 Property Owner present asked about “electronic” bill payment options. Ross stated that this
will be discussed with CPA that will handle the budget as a possible option. A property owner
present stated that he uses “Bill Pay” through his bank for automated payments and it works
 Property Owner present had questions about fencing his property, that is a corner lot. He
stated that traffic making turns over the years has caused the road to encroach on his property.
He asked where he could put his fence, and what would be allowed. Ross stated that the road
easement is a 50’ right of way, and if he keeps the fence on his surveyed property line, it should
not impede the right of way. Ross stated that he should mark the encroachment, so future road
maintenance can correct it. Ross stated that he can follow the 2007 CC&R’s as they pertain to
fences, as there has not been a court decision yet on the matter. The property owner asked

about waterline infrastructure that is on his property and may need accessibility. Ross stated
that he should work with the OWWSA on that matter.
 Property Owner had concerns about a lot being unsightly, with “rolls of carpet” having been
there for years. Ross stated that it is a CC&R violation, and the Board can send a letter notifying
the property in question, but that the Board needs a notification via email or letter of the
address. Ross stated that this information can be provided anonymously and/or reporting party
information is not made known.
– Website: Discussion was had around improving the current site, or the possible need for a new
site/web development. Craig and Chase stated that they would work with current website
administrator on options to improve the website and/or other options.
– Welcome Packet: Ross updated with new Board members and will provide copies for the office.
– Recreation Area: Nothing new.
– Update of Review Process of 2007 CC&R Revision: Three public notices have been made. There will
be one more before a court hearing is set.
-Mailbox covered structure- Ross stated that contractor was researching necessary permits, and then
would provide a quote, however, has not heard back after a couple of messages. Ross will continue to
try to contact the contractor.
-Electronic key System: Property owner information is being entered into system. Once complete, Bend
Lock and Safe will turn it on, and Property owners current on their dues and/or fines will receive “fobs”.
“Knoxbox” for E.M.S. access to main /pool gates will be added.

– 2023 Budget review/revision- This was discussed during the Treasurer report above.
– Treasurer/Secretary signers at US Bank- Discussed during Treasurer report above.
– Capstone CPA duties- Discussed during Treasurer report above.
Roundtable: Mike asked about OWWSA position being advertised. Ross stated that it is to replace Russ
as he is scheduled to retire in September, with the intent to have some overlap. Andrew asked about
correspondence with a law firm. Ross stated that all correspondence needs to include Board members
prior to sending email, and the POA is charged for email correspondence. Ross stated that an Executive
meeting date would be set when a new budget is provided to work with from the CPA.


Meeting minutes submitted by Ross Scrocca, OWPOA Secretary

Ochoco West POA
Board Meeting Minutes

– Ross Scrocca, President (2021-2023)
– Mary Scrocca, Vice President (2021-2023)
– Secretary (vacant) (2021-2023)
– Craig Riehl, Board Member (2022-2024)
– Lisa Logan, Treasurer (2021-2023) Absent

– Review and approve regular session minutes from 1/11/2023.
– Motion made to accept minutes as presented. Motion passes unanimously.

NEW BUILDING PLAN SUBMISSIONS: Perez: Building plans reviewed. Motion made to approve plans as presented. Motion passes unanimously.

-Letter sent to board: Board response: Dues: Dues were raised to the fact that dues have not been raised in over 20 years, the cost of maintenance/ materials/ labor has increased as it pertains to amenities, infrastructure, etc. Enforcement Of CC&RS/Bylaws: The board has sent for than a dozen warning/violation letters. If a property owner does not bring an issue to the board, then we cannot address it. Embezzlement: To accuse a person/persons falsely of a felony is libel and is considered a crime in the state of Oregon. This letter is unfounded and full of false accusations. It is unfortunate that a handful of property owners continue to use the POA board as a whipping post. Board members are also your neighbors and fellow property owners, and it is sad to think that, as such, anyone in this community would buy into the idea that the board has done anything but operate in transparency and with the utmost integrity.


FINANANCIALS: Lisa Logan is absent: Will review financials at March’s monthly meeting.
– Bank Balance
– Deposits
– Total Bills
– Aging Report:

o Unpaid Dues
o Outstanding Dues

– Fire (Doug): Not present (Fire trailer repairs) Ross will host a saw-certification class 2/12/23 for O.H.A. and will be cutting Juniper by the horse barn.
o Roads/Drainage Project: (Craig) 1/26/23 Craig Filled/repaired potholes on Prine, Barnes, King, Jordan, Adams, and Irvine, Morrow. Also, in the process of securing quotes for additional drainage work to be done. Will also schedule a time to meet with snow-removal contractor to look over grader. Road grader is continuing to deteriorate after many years of service. Board will discuss possible future solutions addressing this issue.
– Pool: (Mary) Still looking for pool attendants. Motion was made to discontinue solar panel project due to unforeseen costs that now make the project cost prohibitive. Motion passes unanimously. Sunrise Pool & Spa plans to drain, clean, and repair the pool prior to 2023 season. The board will get an updated bid for this work as well as repairing the handrail.
– Shooting Range: (Mitch Logan) has volunteered to be chair.
– Lake: (Mike Hedrick) Making steady progress on the lake project. New access road has been punched in and clean up has been completed on the hillside. Als, barbwire fencing has been removed and ready for disposal. Next step will be working on the boat ramp area.
o Little Lending Library: No change.
o Recreation Area: Chair?
0 Trails: Chair?

– Website
o Shawn continues to update the Ochoco West website with monthly meeting minutes and updates.

– Welcome Packet
o Leanne Sneath has taken over the task. OWWSA will integrate their information as well.

– Recreation Area
o Still waiting for a quote from contractor for kiosk which will house map/key/language. Map signage is complete and will be posted as time allows.

– Capital Improvement
o Ross will submit as a tool for future boards.

– Update of review process of rules / regulations submitted to Jered Reid
o Jered Reid’s office has begun the process. Will continue to post any new updates.

-Review of Insurance Costs/Benefits.
o Ochoco West Bylaws:” Article 5.6(j)- At least annually, the review of the insurance coverage of the Association as provided in article IX below. Article 5.20- The Board of Directors shall conduct an annual review in accordance with section 5.6(j) above.”
“Oregon Planned Community Act, Title 10, Chapter 94, ORS 94.640(3)- At least annually, the board of directors shall review the insurance coverage of the association.” Meaning, that the Ochoco West POA board is required to review insurance coverages at least annually. 3 requests have been submitted, 2 quotes have been received, still waiting for 1 to come in.

– Card lock System: Met with Bend Lock & Safe to go over necessary pre-work to be completed. Will also inquire about response time for repairs/service contracts, warranty with Bend Lock & Safe.
– Fencing at horse barn: Motion made to approve contract work to replace 112 ft. of vinyl fencing located across from horse barn with an approved budget of $3000. To include previous insurance monies. Motion passes unanimously.
-Cover area for mailbox area: In process of securing bids.
– Kiosk for recreation area at the main gate: Still in process of securing bids.
– March regular meeting/ annual meeting: Motion was made to combine March’s regular monthly meeting with the community’s annual meeting to be held on March 29, 2023 @ 6:00pm. Motion passes unanimously.



Meeting minutes submitted by Mary Scrocca, Vice President

Ochoco West POA
Board Meeting Minutes

– Ross Scrocca, President (2021-2023)
– Mary Scrocca, Vice President (2021-2023)
– Secretary (vacant) (2021-2023)
– Craig Riehl, Board Member (2022-2024)
– Lisa Logan, Treasurer (2021-2023)

– Review and approve regular session minutes from 12/7/ 2022.
– Motion made to accept minutes as presented. Motion passes unanimously.


-A property owner asked if manufactured homes will continued to be allowed within the community in the future. There continues to be a moratorium on building plans for manufactured homes pending legal resolution of the 2007 CC&R.


– Bank Balance $ 101,964.27
– Deposits $ 2,378.08
– Total Bills $ 2,109.00
– Aging Report:

o Unpaid Dues $ 12,926.21
o Outstanding Dues $ 27,938.18
– Unpaid POA dues status / Liens: 22 liens filed, 9 paid off. 2 more liens in process of filing with Jered Reid’s office. The board will further clarify with Jered’s office the filing of future liens as it relates to having multiple lots and one lien amount.
– A motion was made to adopt a resolution allowing a one-time charge of 10% in conjunction with 12% interest on POA dues left unpaid after 30 days. Motion passed unanimously.
– Foreclosures: None
-Update on mailing of POA dues: Lisa will contact Jay to get update on mailing POA dues.

– Fire (Doug): Not present (Fire trailer repairs)
o Roads/Drainage Project: (Craig)
-Still no response from existing contractors. Will contact other contractors to secure bids for continuing road drainage project. Discussed pothole repairs on Adams. It was noted that a property owner on Circle installed his own culvert. The board will not be held libel for any possible future damage caused by this action as the current board was not notified, nor is it allowed under current resolutions.
o Pool: (Mary)
-Sunrise Pool & Spa plans to drain, clean, and repair the pool prior to 2023 season. The board will get an updated bid for this work as well as repairing the handrail.
– The board will continue to secure bids to build solar panel structure.
o Shooting Range: (Mitch Logan) has volunteered to be chair.
o Lake: (Mike Hedrick) not present, no change.
o Little Lending Library: No change.
o Recreation Area: Chair?
0 Trails: Chair?

– Website
o Shawn continues to update the Ochoco West website with monthly meeting minutes and updates.

– Welcome Packet
o Leanne Sneath has taken over the task. OWWSA will integrate their information as well
once a draft is available for review. See attached draft. The board will review and have comments prepared for February meeting.

– Recreation Area
o Updated draft of recreation area map was presented by Ross. The board will post on
website, community bulletin board, and gate once finalized.

– Capital Improvement
o Ross submitted a draft. See attached.

– Update of review process of rules / regulations submitted to Jered Reid
o See attached letter from Jered Reid’s office. Motion was made to approve legal action to resolve the issues surrounding the 2007 CC&Rs. Will notify Jered’s office.

-Review of Insurance Costs/Benefits.
o In process.

– Mailing of resolutions/community newsletter/POA dues will go out in the next few weeks.
– 2023 election cycle starts 2/5/2023. Voting procedures and information will be mailed out to all property owners culminating with new board members being installed at March 29, 2023 at the annual meeting as per Ochoco West Bylaws.
-Adoption of 2023 budget: Motion was made to adopt 2023 operating budget, motion passes unanimously. See attached.
-Snow removal provider: Motion was made to contract with Travis Quesenberry pending his approval of road grader. Motion passes unanimously. Craig will meet with Travis to go over details before signing contract.
-Property owners have expressed concern over the continued feeding of wildlife within the community (deer/turkeys). A flyer has been posted on the community board concerning the issue.

– Response to property owner letter.


Meeting minutes submitted by Mary Scrocca, Vice President

Ochoco West POA
Board Meeting Minutes

– Ross Scrocca, President (2021-2023)
– Mary Scrocca, Vice President (2021-2023)
– Secretary (vacant) (2021-2023) VACANT
– Craig Riehl, Board Member (2022-2024) ABSENT
– Lisa Logan, Treasurer (2021-2023)

– Review and approve regular session minutes from 11/9/2022.
– Motion made to accept 11/9/22 minutes, motion passes unanimously.


– Rick Lopez is the random winner drawn for gift card door prize.


FINANCIALS AS OF 12/14/.2022
– Bank Balance $ 101,695.19

– Deposits $ 2,563.86
– Total Bills $ 2,444.75 – Aging Report: See attached. o Unpaid Dues $ 14,201.97 o
Outstanding Dues $ 29,640.94
– Unpaid POA dues status / Liens: 22 liens filed, 9 paid off and released. 3 more have
madepayments and still have a balance due. 3 more liens in process of filing with Jered
Reid’s office.
1 long time outstanding property due was collected upon sale/closing of property.

– Foreclosures: None

– Fire (Doug): Not present. No new updates. Ross will continue follow-up on additional grant
dollars for future fire reduction projects.

o Roads/Drainage Project: (Craig) Craig will continue to pursue additional bids for
drainage projects. Will post notice for volunteers to put chains on road grader for
upcoming snow removal.
o Pool: (Mary)
-Sunrise Pool & Spa plans to drain, clean, and repair the pool prior to 2023 season.
– Still securing bids for solar structure project.
– Still looking for 2-3 community members to become certified pool attendants for 2023
poolseason. o Shooting Range: Chair? Archery targets need to be pulled.
– Ross proposes adding a budget for the shooting range.
o Lake: (Mike) Mike is waiting for more favorable weather to begin the first phase of
the approved project. o Little Lending Library: No change.
o Recreation Area: Chair? Ross submitted an updated map including previous
changes and comments. Will wait for final revision pending legal review of CCNRs.

0 Trails: Chair?

– Websiteo Shawn continues to update the Ochoco West website with monthly meeting
minutes and updates.

– Welcome Packeto Leanne Sneath has taken over the task. OWWSA will integrate their
information as well once a draft is available after legal review of CC&Rs.

– Capital Improvemento Still in process. (Ross)

– Update of review process of rules / regulations submitted to Jered Reido Hope to
have update by January 2023 regular meeting.

-Review of Insurance Costs/Benefits.
o In process (Mary)

– Adoption of CC&R resolutions. Resolutions were read aloud and entered into official
minutes (see attached copy). Motion was made to adopt CC&R resolutions as presented.
Motion passes unanimously. Copies will be mailed out to all property owners with upcoming
POA dues/newsletter in January 2023.
– Adoption of 2023 budget: Motion to table adoption of 2023 budget. Motion passes
– Property owner, Dave Steele, requests that a light be put in around community mailboxes
citing safety/security concerns. POA board discussed the issue. This led to further
discussion of building a covered structure for the mailboxes. Motion was made to secure
bids in order to evaluate financial feasibility. Motion passes unanimously.
– Repair of speed bump on Prine. POA tables discussion until Craig returns for input.



Meeting minutes submitted by Mary Scrocca, Vice President

Ochoco West POA
Board Meeting Minutes

– Ross Scrocca, President (2021-2023) ABSENT
– Mary Scrocca, Vice President (2021-2023)
– Secretary (vacant) (2021-2023)
– Craig Riehl, Board Member (2022-2024)
– Lisa Logan, Treasurer (2021-2023)

– Review and approve regular session minutes from October12, 2022.
– Mary motions to accept minutes, Craig seconds motion, motion passes


– Rick Lopez expressed frustration over continued issue of unpaid POA dues and suggested restricting access to amenities, along with continued use of liens, in an effort to recoup unpaid dues.


– Bank Balance $ 101,377.57
– Deposits $ 1,211.02
– Total Bills $ 1012.51
– Aging Report: See attached.
o Unpaid Dues $ 14,604.20
o Outstanding Dues $ 32,336.69
– Unpaid POA dues status / Liens: 22 liens filed, 9 paid off. 2 more liens in process of filing with Jered Reid’s office.
– POA board voted unanimously to write off unpaid dues totaling $786.56 due to the fact property owners had sold their properties without the benefit of the board being notified by closing company or real-estate agent request for dues owed at the time of closing.

– Foreclosures: None

– Fire (Doug): Not present
o Mary spoke on recent updates to state “fire mapping” as it relates to town hall meetings
throughout the state to take place on 11-17-22.
o Roads/Drainage Project: (Craig)
-Grading of the roads is underway with a good portion of the community completed. The remainder of the community will be completed as weather/time allows. The rear brakes of the water truck are seized and Craig will secure quotes to address the issue.
o Pool: (Mary)
-Sunrise Pool & Spa plans to drain, clean, and repair pool prior to 2023 season.
– Mary will begin gathering bids for solar structure project.
o Shooting Range: Chair?
– Ross proposes adding a budget for the shooting range.
o Lake: (Mike) not present, no change.
o Little Lending Library: No change.
o Recreation Area: Chair?
0 Trails: Chair?

Your POA is looking for the following volunteers:

• Board member-Secretary- As a member of the POA Board of Directors your duties would include taking the Meeting Minutes, providing copies of Minutes within 7 days of regular meetings for publication to the community, preparing for meetings by making copies of previous month’s Minutes and current meeting agenda, as well as provide copy of a sign in sheet for regular meetings, etc.
• Shooting Range Committee Lead- Review, maintain, and report needs associated with the shooting ranges. Develop and present any new ideas to the POA Board.
• Trails Committee Lead- Review, maintain, and report needs associated with the trails (hiking, mtn bike, BMX bike, and ATV) in the Recreation Areas. Develop and present any new ideas to the POA Board.

These are great opportunities to get to know your community and help make it a better place for all.

Thank you in advance. Please express your interest via poa@ochocowestpoa.com

Ochoco West POA
Board Meeting Minutes

– Ross Scrocca, President
– Mary Scrocca, Vice President
– Stacy Coburn, Interim Secretary
– Craig Riehl, Board Member
(Not present due to illness: Lisa Logan, Treasurer)
– Review and approve regular session minutes from August 11, 2022.
– Craig motions to accept minutes, Mary seconds motion, motion passes

– Margarete Holtz – Submission for building on property at 8900 NW Grimes Rd.
o Motion to accept, Ross Scrocca. Second by Mary Scrocca. Motion carries
– Katherine Wagner – Submission presented at meeting for mobile home to be placed on property
at 6223 NW Foster. Plans are within minimum requirements, culvert requirement to be
determined. Plans still need approval from OWWSA.
o Motion to accept, Craig Riehl. Second by Ross Scrocca. Motion carries

– Question about CC&R violation enforcement. Reviewed the POA board’s response to violations
per documented regulation / by-laws.
– Question / concern about acquisition of board minutes and financials. Directed to present
formal request in writing and/or email to OWPOA email.
– Recommendation from community member to post notes on community bulletin board in
addition to website and printed copies upon request.
– Stacy Coburn formally dismisses herself from POA board. Additional motions and/or votes
during meeting will not include her.

REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Financials not reviewed for August, pending submission from Treasurer.
– Bank Balance $ XX,XXX.XX
– Deposits $ X,XXX.XX
– Total Bills $ X,XXX.XX
– Aging Report
o Unpaid Dues $ XX,XXX.XX
o Outstanding Dues $ XX,XXX.XX
– Unpaid POA dues status / Liens
– Foreclosures

– Fire (Doug)
o Update on fire preparation – Fire break road has been dozed, cleared brush
– Roads (Craig)
o Culvert request submitted from property owner for driveway. Culvert approved for
installation pending information from property owner contractor, license, bond,
o Still yet to receive estimate from Bartlett
o Funds remaining for year $9,333 – minimal amount for repair, will hold funds for winter
– Pool (Mary)
o Sunrise Pool and Spa was not able to fit community pool into schedule for cleaning and
repair before end of season usage. 8-12 weeks out for cleaning.

– Shooting Range
o Searching for a new lead to take on the shooting range
– Lake (Mike)
o Mike not present, no change
– Little Lending Library
o No change
– Recreation Area
o To be discussed in recuring business

– Website
o Shawn has updated the website with committee members and new links for minutes
– Drainage
o No change, still waiting for estimate from Bartlett
– Welcome Packet
o On hold, need help from board or community
– Recreation Area
o Updated Rec Area map nearly completed, will post on website and gate. Also bulletin
– Capital Improvement
o No change
– Office Equipment
o N/A – Lisa not present
– Update of review process of rules / regulations submitted to Jered Reid
o Due to inconsistencies and concern about OWPOA CC&R / By-Laws – POA Board met in
executive meeting on September 1, 2022 to discuss suspending new building plans,
specific to mobile and/or manufactured homes until definition of regulation is clear.
Question raised to attorney, Jered Reid

– Monthly Action Report: (Mary)
o Fire Break maintained with dozer
o Cleared garbage from lake, thank you Ross and Doug
o Ross, Mary, Craig met with Jered Reid August 23, 2022 to discuss concerns about
language discrepancy in CC&R & by-laws between current edition and previous
o Executive meeting on September 1, 2022 to review newly presented information from
Jered Reid meeting on 8.23

– Motion to suspend acceptance of new building plan submissions for mobile / manufactured
homes effective 6:00 AM September 15, 2022
o Ross Scrocca motions, Mary Scrocca seconds motion. Motion carries

– Craig – Looking for new estimates on road maintenance to keep rates competitive
– Mary – Looking for new estimates on insurance to keep rates competitive
Meeting minutes submitted by Craig Riehl, Board Member

Posted 7/28/22

Work to open the pool continues to happen.

·       Water– The new filtration system is up and running. It appears to be working well.  It is not “automated” at this point which means as the level in the cistern drops, the pump for the well is turned on manually.  To avoid straining the system, it will take a few days to get the pool filled, once drained and cleaned.

·       Drain/clean– The pool needs to be drained, cleaned, and inspected. Five pool companies had been contacted to do this work.  The timeliest one has it on their schedule.  We were told they were two weeks out, last week.  Note: they had been scheduled twice since early May but had to postpone because of the water situation.

·       Bathroom– Two new toilets have been installed.  We had a community member step up and volunteer his time and expertise.  He’s new to the community, a plumber by trade.   If you need plumbing assistance, we can provide his contact info.  The bathrooms just need a thorough cleaning now.  Volunteers?

·       Solar panels– a solar panel system had been purchased to heat the pool.  The pool is currently heated with propane.  A support structure needs to be built for the solar system. The materials have arrived. We need volunteers to build the structure.  Any contractors/carpenters out there?  Opening of the pool is not dependent on having this in place.

·       General cleanup- A second load of trash, including wire fencing was hauled away.  The weeds before the pool entrance were mowed and sprayed. 

·       In the meantime, a nearby alternative: https://ccprd.org/park/prineville-pool/

For more information, please contact the OWPOA at poa@ochocowestpoa.com


Thank you